Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Been MIA...

But if I start to write again... will you all come back?



  1. Not trying to be rude, just want to be real. If you want to come back, then do so. Last time you made it seem as though we were ungrateful after you were doing us a favor writing. No one wants to deal with a writer accusing them of not being appreciative. You made comments that left a bad taste in many of our mouths. The claims of disrespect when you were the one asking about posting preference. If you want to write then write. Don't send out feelers like this and then complain when readers reply.

    1. If she left a bad flavour in your mouth then there is no need to respond or come back to read.... You either choose to read when she writes or you don't.

    2. A question was asked, an honest, respectful answer was given. mum

  2. Please do! Even if it's just to finish up the story line or to post when ever you have time. This is my favourite blog!!

  3. DUH! Also, ignore rude anonymous above, just do what makes you happy. You'll still have plenty of readers who will be thrilled to have you back on any schedule.

    1. If stating cold hard facts is rude then so be it. Have you read the tirades from this writer to her beloved audience? Maybe you should check out her your call post. Disappearing for a year without so much as a sorry I'm taking break post? It's ridiculous to get these feeler emails similar to those a little over a year ago when the author simply does not care about her audience, evidenced by the arrogance and disrespect.

  4. DUH! Also, ignore rude anonymous above, just do what makes you happy. You'll still have plenty of readers who will be thrilled to have you back on any schedule.

  5. It's the same pattern over and over again.

    Glad you're well and all seems okay (awesome news!!) but it makes it hard to get invested - again - in a story that is going to continue getting left open ended for 10-12 months at a time. It's not that hard to post a courteous "hey, I'm going to take an extended hiatus" and be done - bloggers do this all the time and readers respect that so much more than being ghosted for a year.

  6. Yes, of course. Just be mindful of your readers.

  7. Yes! Ignore the haters. I would appreciate it so much if you just let us know next time you need to take a break, but regardless, I want this blog back sooooooo badly. I missed you! You are the best!

  8. Yes please... So many blogs have died off and I am missing a good story

  9. Yes please!! Come back on whatever schedule that works for you! I understand lives gets busy and good intentions can be hard to fulfill so please don't let negative nancys dictate how or when you write. You have many readers it seems that are like me who just care you post when you can and provide an interesting storyline :)

    1. I don't think people are "negative nancys" for keeping it real. It's not that hard to ask for a mutual respect between the readers and the author. All comments on this post, even outside of the favorable "YES" or "DUH" ones, have been respectful and honest.

  10. Yes!! But if you could do a recap included in the first post I think it would be helpful. With the extended hiatus I kind of forget where things left off and what was important in the current story line so maybe you could do a recap so we are all in the loop, would love to have you posting again!!! :)

  11. I would enjoy it if you would pick up the blog again. I think a recap would be imperative. Where the last post left off had a lot of potential. Wonder if it's worth starting up right there, or maybe bringing it to current day. hhmmm... Looking forward to it. mum

  12. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I just caught up on this after having found you again from long ago. I really do hope you continue to write because leaving us hanging with the whole Dylan AND Nick coming to down debacle would be mean. And bad karma.. :) Please?

  14. HONEST OPINION COMING THROUGH: I'll read if you come back and stay back! If your job is too demanding and you can't commit to more than 1 post a year...what's the point? Might as well spend your time having a glass of wine and reading other people's blogs than writing one yourself.

    1. Perfectly articulated my feelings!

    2. Exactly! lol #RealTalk #SorryNotSorry

  15. I just found this blog and have been binging - I'm about half way thru now. I don't think I can take this blog ending, so yes, please come back!! ;)

  16. I found this blog a few days ago and read all of it. I'm so bummed I caught up and fingers crossed you do come back. First, I love how when you did take a break, you moved on and summarized what happened. Second, I loved both Nick and Dylan and wasn't team anyone. But now seeing as Nick could leave her so easily (not even discuss his plans with her before giving the production team his answer), I am totally Team Dylan now. He just seems so sweet and he just needs to be taught relationship etiquette-he'll get there. I hope she didn't give into Nick and continued on with Dylan. If you don't pick up from where you left off, I'd love to know where Dani is now and what happened that weekend that both the boys came into town. Please come back soon!

  17. This was posted almost a month ago and even though there's response from readers radio silence from the blogger. At this point I think the blogger should do whatever she wants and stop asking for readers opinions if she's just going to disappear as always.

    1. Amen to this. Like WTF????????? Why even ask. I knew better than to think the author would actually follow-through with this blog for once.

  18. This blog was so good - I would read if there were posts; all of these great blogs have disappeared :|

    1. I was just thinking the same thing. I was following over a dozen. None have posted in over a month
